The Boy and the Heron
Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film
A young boy named Mahito, yearning for his mother, ventures into a world shared by the living and the dead. There, death comes to an end and life finds a new beginning. A semi-autobiographical fantasy about life, death, and creation,
in tribute to friendship, from the mind of Hayao Miyazaki.
Hayao Miyazaki’s first feature film in 10 years, The Boy and the Heron is a hand-drawn, original story written and directed by the Academy Award®-winning director.
Running Time 124 mins
Genre Animation, Adventure, Drama
MPAA Rating Rated PG-13
Soma Santoki
Masaki Suda
Takuya Kimura
Directed by
Hayao Miyazaki
Written by
Hayao Miyazaki