What Are Rialto Cinemas Gift Cards?
Rialto Cinemas Gift Cards also make a great gift and are available in any amount over $20. They are good for both tickets and refreshments. Give the gift of movies and popcorn! Gift Cards are available at the Box Office during regular Box Office hours and online here: Online Gift Cards.
Can I buy Rialto Cinemas Gift Cards without coming to the Box Office?
Yes! You may buy them through the mail or online here: Online Gift Cards. For mail purchases send a short note stating your request along with your check for the purchase amount and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Rialto Cinemas Gift Cards
6868 McKinley Street
Sebastopol, CA 95472
If your purchase is a gift and you wish to include a card, please include it with your reply envelope. Please be sure to allow adequate time for the post office to deliver your order to us and then to your recipient.
What is your bargain show policy?
Due to the types of films we play, we have contractual limits on the number of discounted or bargain showings we can offer for each film each week. Our bargain shows are the first matinee showing (i.e., before 5:30pm) of each feature, each day and all of our morning shows.
Do you accept credit cards?
Yes. We have contactless payment and accept credit cards and debit cards (we do not currently accept American Express).
How long are trailers?
Our preshow begins 10 minutes before showtime. Trailers being at showtimes and run 8-10 minutes before the feature presentation.
When does concessions close?
Our concessions stand closes 30 minutes after the last posted showtime.
How can I request a movie poster?
Many current and classic movie posters can be purchased from a variety of web sites. Our favorite is movieposter.com which has both domestic and foreign posters.
What determines why some films only play for a week or two and others seem to be around for months?
Two reasons. First, the inevitable law of supply and demand. Generally, we will play a film for as long as it makes good business sense to do so. Because some titles have a limited theatrical screening windows, we can only play them for a short period of time.
How can I sign up for your newsletter?
To sign up for Rialto Cinemas Elmwood weekly email newsletter, fill out the sign-up form HERE page.
Can I buy tickets online?
Advance tickets are available for all shows within each Friday through Thursday playweek. Advance tickets for special events and films advertised as “Advance Tickets On Sale” are also available. Advance tickets can be purchased at the box office or online. To purchase tickets online click HERE.
How do I reach a real person by phone at the theatre?
Give us a call at our main office 707 829-3456 Tuesday through Friday afternoons. You can reach the Elmwood directly at 510-540-6482 during normal operating hours.
What hours is the Box Office open?
The Box Office is open from 15 minutes prior to the first show until 15 minutes after the last show of the day starts.
What determines a movie’s rating?
Sometimes we wish we knew. The Motion Picture Association, otherwise known as the MPA, assigns movie ratings. For more information about the ratings system as well as the reasons specific films receive the ratings they do, visit filmratings.com. Another useful site designed for parents is screenit.com. Companies that are not required to have their films rated because they are not members of the MPA release some of the films we play. The ratings system is entirely voluntary for non-MPA member companies and it is up to each company to determine whether having a particular film rated is worth the expense of doing so.
How can I find out if a movie is appropriate for my child, parent, grandparent, or pet?
We recommend visiting both filmratings.com and screenit.com (a subscription based service) as well as reading a variety of reviews about the film. Doesthedogdie.com provides crowdsourced “emotional spoilers” for movies as well as tv, books and other media, but it can also spoil the surprise of what happens in a film. Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic are a useful tool for finding reviews of specific films. Critics reviews may also provide useful information. Find them at rottentomatoes.com and metacritic.com.
Where can I find reviews of a film I’m considering seeing?
Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic are a useful tool for finding reviews of specific films. Find them at rottentomatoes.com and metacritic.com.